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The ‘School of life, the world of tomorrow’ capsules are a gallery of interviews with emblematic figures from the world of research and civil society, who are working for a world that is more connected to life, more respectful of human and non-human beings in all their diversity, and fairer.

Because tomorrow is being written today, and because schools are the best way to bring about a paradigm shift, these vignettes aim to showcase the work and actions of people of goodwill, and in so doing nurture a collective, eco-citizen dynamic.

These meetings are the fruit of collaboration with the PCL Lettres, PE, PCL HG of Avignon; they are part of Morgane Leray’s ecological humanities seminar for the MEEF Lettres (Inspé AMU site of Avignon) and as part of the ‘ Dire/écrire le vivant’ days. Reviving teaching through environmental humanities: ecopoetics, ecofeminism, zoopoetics and geopoetics (Avignon) (fabula.org)

Nathalie Blanc is a research director at the CNRS, geographer and director of the Centre des Politiques de la Terre Nathalie Blanc – Director | Centre des Politiques de la Terre (u-paris.fr) and artist.

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