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The mobilities are a transversal approach of mobilities of student-teachers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators that promotes systems of recognition with open badge and a framework for cultural and plurilingual approaches to support mobilities.

What mobilities are you looking for?

Last information for student mobility

Application period for student mobility:
ENDED – Stay tuned for Wave 3    

Please check each country specificities before applying 
Make sure to read all the participations conditions and important information.

The second internship period will take place between 23rd September to 20th December 2024 (subject to change in special case).

Last information for staff and teachers mobility

Application period for staff/teachers mobility: 
ENDED – Stay tuned for Wave 3

Please make sure to read all the participations conditions and important information.

The second mobility period will take place between 23rd September to 20th December 2024 (subject to change in special case).

For any questions regarding this mobility programme, please contact the UNI-T mobility officer THIAM KinĂ© – fatou-kine.thiam@univ-amu.fr.

This WP led by the rectorat of Aix-Marseille and the University of Aix-Marseille aims at a transversal approach of mobilities of student-teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators that promotes systems of recognition with open badges and a framework for cultural and plurilingual approaches to support mobilities. This WP is transversal to the whole UNI-T project.


  • Implement and test different types of mobilities;
  • Bring and analyse good practices for mobilities for teacher education;
  • Implement virtual mobilities, understood as part of physical mobilities.
  • Manage the mobilities on 3 sub-objectives:
    • Physical mobilities;
    • Develop a system of recognition for international activities for pre-service and in-service teachers, with “open-badges”;
    • Develop blended resources to support the mobilities.

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