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Christina Misailidou

Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Other: http://www.primedu.uoa.gr/english/human-resources/academic-staff/misailidou-christina.html
Photo of Christina Misailidou

Biographical Info

I am an Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education at the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Prior to my current position, I worked as a university lecturer in England and Scotland and as a mathematics teacher in Greece, England and Scotland. I teach Mathematics Initial Teacher Education courses both at an undergraduate and a postgraduate level and I have participated in several national and international research projects.

Contribution to the UNI-T project

Greek team leader and local coordinator of the UNI-T project. Co-coordinator of the UNI-T Work Package 2: European Teachers’ Blended Courses

Other current projects

  • Developing Textbook Evaluation Requirements and Capacity Building of Experts, World Bank and Republic of Kazakstan.
  • E-BELONG: Sense of Belonging in Online Learning Environments», Erasmus + Programme, Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education  Readiness Projects.

Field of expertise

  • Mathematics Education
  • Initial Teacher Education
  • Teacher Professional Development
Categories: Members
Updated 5 months ago.

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