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Martine CONIO

Science and technology teacher trainer for primary schools in charge of supporting teachers’ professional development Aix-Marseille UniversityInstitut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l’Éducation (INSPE)

Biographical Info

As a project manager, I set up a system to support the professional development of INSPE teachers based on communities of practices. This is the basis for my participation in the Uni-T project.

I’ve been involved in the initial and in-service training of elementary school teachers for many years, both in terms of general pedagogy and science didactics. I hold a Master’s degree in Education Sciences and am an agrégée teacher in Life and Earth Sciences.

I wrote a WP as part of an AMIDEX (Aix-Marseille University) project entitled “Médiation Enseignement Développement DUrable Sciences et Société” (MEDDU2S) in partnership with other components of the university and associations or museums linked to the theme of ecological transition. Based on the development of a community of practice that transcends disciplinary boundaries, this WP enables the development of a shared vision and fosters innovation through co-development and design thinking.

The results of the call for projects will be announced shortly.

Categories: Members

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