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Aix-Marseille Université

Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’éducation
Website: AMU website Website: Inspe website Website: Presentation of AMU on CIVIS
Photo of Aix-Marseille Université

Biographical Info

The Inspé intervenes from the 2nd year of the bachelor’s degree by offering pre-professionalization teaching units (UE) for these professions and offers 4 MEEF master’s degrees that train school teachers, 2nd level teachers, senior education advisers (CPE) and various other teaching, education and training professions.
 The Inspé offers the possibility of pursuing a thesis at the ED 356 Cognition Langage Education doctoral school.

The Inspé is associated with different partners who contribute together to the same research and training project.
 The internationally recognized expertise of the Inspé is based on the skills of the teacher-researchers, teachers and professionals in the field who are involved in the training and work of the laboratories of the SFERE-Provence research federation that develop educational research.
 With the Faculties of Sciences; Arts, Letters, Languages and Humanities (ALLSH) and Sports Sciences, as well as with Avignon University, the Inspé trains teachers of the 2nd degree. It covers the disciplines of the middle school, the general and technological high school and the vocational high school.
 Its close partnership with the rectorate leads the Inspé to intervene in the in-service training of teachers in the National Education system in the academy.

L’Inspé is present in Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Digne-les-Bains and Marseille.
 The organization of training is based on internships and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. It allows students to obtain the Master MEEF while preparing for the National Education recruitment exams: CRPE, CAPES, CAPET, CAPLP.

With its 160 teachers and 152 administrative and technical staff, the Inspé welcomes its students to train them according to the methods and advances of the most recent educational research to which it contributes in a project linking research, training and the field.

Categories: Partners
Updated 5 months ago.

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