Rectorat d’Aix-Marseille
Biographical Info
The rectorate of Aix-Marseille is one of 30 french regional education authority accountable for the national education ministry. It is the local administration dealing with school and education within the territory of the Aix-Marseille academie which counted, in 2021, 63 016 education professionals[1]. In collaboration with the Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’enseignement d’Aix-Marseille (INSPE), the rectorate of Aix-Marseille works on initial teacher education and continuing training for professionals from all educational level.
The academic regional delegation for European and international relations and cooperation (DRAREIC), is the Aix-Marseille rectorate office that structures and implements the policy of international openness within the academic PACA region. As a central actor of the international educative action in the south of France, the DRAREIC office supports and accompanies schools, education professionals and students within their international project. The DRAREIC team acts for:
Within UNI-T project, the DRAREIC leads with Aix-Marseille University (AMU), the WP6 on innovation in teacher’s mobilities. Unique educational authority among the project’s partner, the DRAREIC bases its expertise on international project management, specifically Erasmus+ funded projects. The DRAREIC works jointly with AMU to rethink and reinvent the way mobilities are conceived and experienced within teachers’ career and students-teachers’- learning paths. It also organizes physical and virtual mobilities for administrative and educational workers from PACA region.
The DRAREIC also constitutes the core in-between actor to connect teachers on the ground and researchers in education across all UNI-T WP’s activities, as for instance within communities of practice of the WP4.
[1] > « L’académie et la région académique en chiffres 2022-2023 »