20th January to 07th February 2025 and 23rd February to 5th April 2025
Elementary school
This elementary school located in the city of Marseille will be pleased to welcome you for your mobility UNI-T.
This school is located in the 11th arrondissement, in a spacious and residential area, which is a little way from the town centre.
The school has a ULIS (Unités Localisées pour l’Inclusion Scolaire) section for pupils with specific handicaps
The school is classified as a REP+ (Réseaux d’éducation prioritaire – priority education network) for pupils with difficulties at school and/or whose parents come from disadvantaged socio-professional backgrounds.
Age of the students: 6 to 11 years old
Languages taught: French, English (the referent of the intern can speak italian)