Ampiric Seminar - Improving Reading Learning February 2, 2022
Ampiric Seminar – Improving Reading Learning February 2, 2022
Language : Français
Seminar 2:
How to improve reading learning Several cognitive functions are involved in reading development, including linguistic skills as well as visual, attentional and executive skills.
A first presentation will show how taking into account the properties of the visual system can be useful to optimize reading learning.
A second presentation will show how playful training of executive functions in children aged 7 to 13 can facilitate reading learning.
The discussion will focus on the challenge of developing interventions based on learning theories and rigorously testing them in classrooms
Irène Altarelli, Lecturer, LaPsyDÉ, Université Paris Descartes – Université de Paris
Felipe Pegado, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Ampiric Project, Cognitive Psychology Laboratory, CNRS and Aix-Marseille University
Johannes Ziegler, Research Director, Ampiric, Cognitive Psychology Laboratory, CNRS and Aix-Marseille University