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Ampiric Seminar - Respect as a fundamental relational regime at school

By Julien Garric and Françoise Lorcerie Placed at the heart of fundamental learning by the law for a school of trust (2019), “respecting others”, explicitly linked to the transmission of the values ​​of the Republic, without being linked to concrete methods of teaching or assessment, risks being understood from a perspective of lack. Our work encourages us to consider respect for others more as a fundamental relationship regime at school, necessary both for the civic education of students and for teachers to maintain an educational relationship that is essential for learning fundamental knowledge, in a context where students are inclined to challenge or discuss knowledge that is considered indisputable. THE SPEAKERS Aline Frey, lecturer, Inspé Aix-Marseille University, LNC Laboratory Julien Garric, teacher, Inspé Aix-Marseille University, associate researcher at IREMAM Françoise Lorcerie, IREMAM, emeritus research director CNRS


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