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Ampiric Seminar - Teaching writing with digital tablets

Webinar 1: Teaching writing with digital tablets ARABESC team of Jean-Luc Velay; Rachida Dumas, academic inspector of Arabic - Elie Fabiani (thesis student) and Zoubir Baddour (Arabic teacher) With the introduction of digital tools in schools, fundamental teaching and learning, such as writing, are likely to change considerably. Will we continue to teach traditional handwriting with a pen and a sheet of paper if students are equipped with tablets with which they use a keyboard? The research project (ARABESC) is intended to study the effects on academic performance of a change in learning writing among middle school students beginning the Arabic language. It involved monitoring two groups of students who learned Arabic using digital tablets for two school years (grades 6 and 5), one writing on a keyboard and the other practicing handwriting with a stylus. These students were subjected to regular reading and written expression tests in Arabic for two years. The advantages and disadvantages of learning Arabic writing on a keyboard will be discussed, in light of the results obtained, and a generalization to learning French writing will be outlined. Speakers: Jean-Luc Velay, Neuroscience Researcher, CNRS Link: Elie Fabiani, PhD student in neuroscience Rachida Dumas, IA-IPR of Arabic, Aix-Marseille Academy Zoubir Raddour, Professor of Arabic


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