Field of study
Education and Pedagogy
Open to
Everyone who works as teacher or educator in school or educational environments.
Sexuality Education; Health Development; Lifelong Learning
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Introduction and Sexuality Education framework: definition, educational and training standards, application methodologies, strategies, and materials; and rights;
General Practical Implications: methodological approach of the teacher or educator, reference bibliography, creation, and use of a support network;
Sexual Identity: construction and development, components (assigned sex at birth, gender identity, sexual orientations, and gender roles);
Emotions, feelings, and relationships: discovery of emotions and management in different settings (private, public, shared), intimate, friendly, and various relational relationships;
Physical and Sexual Development: throughout the lifecycle, bodily changes; behavioral consequences of bodily development and exploration;
Consent and Respect: starting from relationships and then addressing the civil significance of consent and respect in everyday life, in every age group;
Contraception, Reproduction, and Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases: awareness of the importance of consent and respect in the use of different contraceptive methods;
Types of Families and Relationships: monogamy and non-monogamy;
Gender Stereotypes and Gender-Based Violence: prevention through education;
Inclusion: languages, disabilities, diversity;
Socio-cultural Influences and Values: sexuality and religion, consequences of pornography abuse, cultural transmission of stereotypes and values.
Main topics addressed
- Definition of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE);
- sexual identity and its construction during growth; emotions, feelings, and relationships;
- types of families and parenthood;
- intimacy and sexual behaviors (private, public, healthy, and risky);
- prevention of infections and sexually transmitted diseases; contraception; consent and respect;
- gender stereotypes; inclusion; values, beliefs, and socio-cultural influences (media, history and progress in rights, and pornography);
- educational and instructional design.
Learning outcomes
- Knowledge of sexuality education,
- educational skills regarding the topic,
- positive and respectful attitudes towards sexualities and sexuality education,
- critical reflection.
Language : English and Italian
Total workload : 6 hours in person for the first two meetings with Italian participants, followed by 6 independent online modules. The course duration depends on each individual, so the total hours cannot be specified. The mid-course online meeting with Italian participants, between the fourth and fifth module, is scheduled for May 30th and will last 2 hours.
Requirements :
- Working in school or early-childhood education contexts as teachers or educators in Italy.
Valeria Bruno, Sapienza University of Rome;
Emiliane Rubat du Mérac, Sapienza University of Rome;
Elisa Gulli, Sapienza University of Rome.
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