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Ampiric Seminar – Teaching writing with digital tablets

Ampiric Seminar – Teaching writing with digital tablets Webinar 1: Teaching writing with digital tablets ARABESC team of Jean-Luc Velay; Rachida Dumas, academic inspector of Arabic – Elie Fabiani (thesis student) and Zoubir Baddour (Arabic teacher) With the introduction of digital tools in schools, fundamental teaching and learning, such as writing, are likely to change considerably. Will we continue to teach traditional handwriting with a pen and a sheet of paper if students are equipped Read more…

Ampiric Seminar – Teaching writing with digital tablets
Ampiric Seminar – Respect as a fundamental relational regime at school

Ampiric Seminar – Respect as a fundamental relational regime at school

Ampiric Seminar – Respect as a fundamental relational regime at school By Julien Garric and Françoise Lorcerie Placed at the heart of fundamental learning by the law for a school of trust (2019), “respecting others”, explicitly linked to the transmission of the values ​​of the Republic, without being linked to concrete methods of teaching or assessment, risks being understood from a perspective of lack. Our work encourages us to consider respect for others more as Read more…

Ampiric Seminar: “The impact of physical and sporting activity on academic performance”

Ampiric Seminar: “The impact of physical and sporting activity on academic performance” The first seminar of the 2022/2023 cycle, focusing on learning conditions and factors impacting student performance, was held on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Lycée Simone Veil in Marseille. Mr. Maxime Travert, university professor, and Maxime Luiggi, lecturer at INSPÉ d’AIx-Marseille Université, questioned during this seminar the impact of physical and sports activity on academic results. Read more…

Ampiric Seminar: “The impact of physical and sporting activity on academic performance”
Ampiric Seminar: “Flexible layout and cooperative islands”

Ampiric Seminar: “Flexible layout and cooperative islands”

Ampiric Seminar: “Flexible layout and cooperative islands” Marion Tellier and Martine Gadille present two projects supported by AMPIRIC, which question the flexible layout of classes in middle school, the establishment of cooperative islands, learning reasoning and well-being. Firstly, through the presentation of the AFLEX project, the aim is to define the flexible layout of classes, to present the results and the context of research on this subject. Based on the 39 interviews conducted with students, Read more…

Creativlab Ampiric 2023- LaboRA Project

Creativlab Ampiric 2023- LaboRA Project LaboRa This project aims to measure the impact of an Augmented Reality tool on spatial and scientific reasoning. Through six teaching sequences, learning performance will be assessed according to two experimental conditions (AR; traditional supports). A quasi-experimental method will be used to test the added value of the tool in a controlled manner, while maintaining an ecological aspect (in the classroom). The project contributes to developing scientific and spatial reasoning Read more…

Creativlab Ampiric 2023- LaboRA Project
Territorial dynamics and learning in priority education

Territorial dynamics and learning in priority education

Territorial dynamics and learning in priority education The pilot team of Ampiric “Territorial dynamics in priority education” seeks to understand the educational processes that take place between different actors (peers, school staff, families, educational actors, cultural actors, etc.) and the conditions that allow these dynamics to participate in the fundamental learning of students within priority education territories. To report on this work, the team presents several research projects that it carries out around different objects Read more…

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