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🏙️ Marseille 📅 30th September to 19th October and 4th November to 20th December 2024 📚 Middle and high school

This middle and high school located in the city of Marseille will be pleased to welcome you for your mobility UNI-T.

Located in the 8th arrondissement, this high shcool stands out with its 13-hectare surface area, directly linking the high school to the National Park of the Calanques. Marseilleveyre is also characterized by its ecological commitment and initiatives such as vegetable gardens maintained by the students, grassy areas…

The school has a strong tradition of cultural exchanges and trips. Over the last ten years, its international and European image has been strengthened by the existence of international Spanish and Italian sections.

This school is teaching to students from 11 to 18 years old.

Languages taught: English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and German.

Categories: Mobilities

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