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🏙️ Marseille 📅 30th September to 19th October and 4th November to 20th December 2024 📚 Elementary School

This elementary school located in the city of Marseille will be pleased to welcome you for your mobility UNI-T.  

Located in Marseille city centre, Saint Charles 1 primary school is just a few metres from the main railway station in the 3rd arrondissement. This school is an application primary schools, which means that the teachers are also trainers for other teachers within the Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’éducation.

French is the only language used in the school (for french speaking students only).

The school is classified as a REP+ (Réseaux d’éducation prioritaire – priority education network) for pupils with difficulties at school and/or whose parents come from disadvantaged socio-professional backgrounds.

Age of the students: 6 to 11 years old.

Categories: Mobilities

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