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🏙️ Rome 📅 October to December 2024 📚 High School

This high school in the city of Rome will be pleased to welcome you for your mobility UNI-T.  

The school (approx. 1800 students on 5 sites) has a very wide range of courses: Liceo Matematico, Liceo Biomedico, Liceo Classico AUREUS (enhancement of Art History), Liceo Cambridge (all addresses) and linguistic Cambridge/ESABAC.

The school is equipped with science laboratories: one for Chemistry/biology/natural sciences, the second for Physics and the third for Botany (high-tech hydroponic greenhouse).

The Gaetano de Sanctics school has a newly built multimedia audiovisual laboratory, equipped with a ledwall (4×2,5mt) directing and post-production room for a didactic that enhances the skills of making in the film, television and music fields; visual web radio for the production of educational podcasts and the production of audio books and audio guides.

This school teaches mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences and foreign languages.

Age of the student 14 to 19 years old

Languages taught English, French, Spanish, Latin and Greek.

Categories: Mobilities

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