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Dear community,

The UNI-T Academy members are pleased to inform you that the first application campaign for students’ mobility has just come to an end and it was a success: more than 25 students from the partners universities applied for this first mobility wave!

We are delighted by your enthusiasm for this mobility programme and we hope that as many of you as possible will take part in future mobility campaigns.

We are more than happy to know that we will be helping to encourage the mobility of future teachers in Europe. Every day, thanks to the efforts of its members and its community, the UNI-T project is getting closer to its objectives and is helping to make its vision of education in Europe a reality.

Stay tune for the next UNI-T mobilities and thank you for your participation !


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Ensiklopedia · 18/08/2024 at 04:41

Which of the following is NOT a likely goal of a student mobility campaign?
Visit us Telkom University

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Ensiklopedia · 18/08/2024 at 04:42

Visit us Telkom University
What would be the most effective way to measure the success of a student mobility campaign?

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Ensiklopedia · 18/08/2024 at 04:42

Greeting : Telkom UniversityHow can Uni-T Academy ensure that its first student mobility campaign is sustainable in the long term?

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