Mobility testimonial from two primary teachers from Belgium
Mrs Henet and De Neyer, two primary teachers from Belgium had the opportunity to discover the french education system through one week mobility at Marseille organised by the Unit project. A great experience full of new encounters and enrichment. Discover their experiences below.
Mobility testimonial Fatima Chnane-Davin
Thanks to the mobility of students and teachers, the summer school of the Master MEEF Option Français Langue Etrangères (FLE) was held from Monday 10 to Friday 14 July 2023 at the University of Madison (Wisconsin, USA). It was led by Fati Davin, university lecturer and head of the MEEF Read more…
Mobility testimonial Jérémy Castéra
In 2023, Jérémy Castéra, a teacher-researcher, took part in a community of practice organised by the University of Rome La Sapienza on the theme of outdoor education.
Mobility testimonial Jessyca Tretola
In 2023, Jessyca Tretola, associated professor at the INSPE of Aix-Marseille University, travelled to Athens, Greece to work with greek researcher and teach to Greek students. Discover her experience here. Subtitles are available in English.
Mobility testimonial Pascale Brandt-Pomares
In November 2023, Pascale Brandt-Pomares, Director of INSPE, travelled to Rome to take part in the mid-term meeting of the UNI-T project. Discover her experience here. Subtitles available in English