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Field of study

Active Pedagogies – Educational sciences



Open to

Master's, PhD


active pedagogies - teacher training - critical praxis communities - educational sciences - didactics

Whether in Belgium, Italy, France or more generally in Europe, active and alternative pedagogies have been at the heart of new developments since the 1980s. At all levels of education (from kindergarten to university), on a local, national and even international scale, these pedagogies are gaining ground and interest. But what exactly do these active pedagogies cover? And how do we define them? Is “doing” Montessori or Decroly the same thing as “doing” Freinet, institutional pedagogy, outdoor pedagogies or critical pedagogies? Are the practices, values and objectives the same?
 Moreover, these questions about the continuities and discontinuities between the various schools claiming to be active pedagogies, despite a resurgence of interest on the part of those working in the field (teachers, students, families, etc.), remain little present in the scientific literature (as can be seen, for example, in the French-speaking world). Above all, they are the source of controversy, particularly as regards their effects: a tool for emancipation for some, and a means of reproducing social inequalities for others.
 Finally, in the case of so-called “active pedagogy” schools, while the question of initial and in-service training, or more precisely, the issue of acculturation of new teachers, appears to be at the heart of their concerns, it seems to depend very much on the various institutions and/or pedagogical reform movements.

Faced with these observations, this 3-week training course, which does not claim to follow any particular ideological trend, incorporates contributions from the most recent research in educational science, and is based on the needs and desires of participants, aims to bring together two types of expertise: that of scientific research and that of the field.
 To achieve this, the training module includes video clips produced by academics, film extracts on field practices, resources, online exchange platforms and evaluation tools for each of the proposed activities.
 36 hours are required for the entire module:
Synchronous moments: 3h synchronous online (1st session) and 6h face-to-face (2nd and 3rd session)
Asynchronous moments: 8h of individual work (4h for the 1st and 2nd sessions), 10h of preparation and experimentation (for the 3rd session) and 9h of self-assessment and peer assessment

Main topics addressed

Active Pedagogies

Learning outcomes

The aim of this hybrid training module is twofold:
 – To identify continuities and discontinuities in representations and practices concerning active pedagogies, depending on the context and/or actors involved;
 – To support school staff interested in active teaching methods in their reflexive approach, experimenting with new active teaching methods and evaluating their effects.

Language : French

Total workload : 36 hours

Requirements :

Registration on UNI-T’s Opensocial platform for active learning is required before starting the course. To do so, send a request to  Luisa Vianello <luisa.vianello@uniroma1.it> (for English) OR Elsa Roland : Elsa.Roland@ulb.be (for French).

  • ROLAND Elsa (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

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