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New technologies



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Science, education, new technologies, sustainability

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Incorporating infographics in science education is a great challenge for teachers. Creating a science educational infographic includes many considerations that should be taken into account such as the key elements of the nature of science, the reliability of science data and aspects of science education (principles, leaning and teaching methods, content).

Although there are existing designing models about infographics that are applied to science educational infographics as well, there aren’t specific content criteria that should be considered and followed, when creating a science education infographic. The presenting module presents a specific content methodology of creating a science educational infographic, alongside with tools for designing an infographic.

Main topics addressed

  • Design methodology of creating an infographic
  • Content methodology of creating a science educational infographic
  • Utilizing infographics as a teaching tool
  • Teaching about sustainability through infographics

Learning outcomes

  • Design and create a science educational infographic
  • Utilize infographics as a teaching tool in class

Language : English

Total workload : 16-20 Hours 

Requirements :

It is necessary to be familiar with handling new technologies, the key points and aspects of science education and the core ideas of sustainability.

  • Maria CHRISTOFORAKI (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

  • Malte RING (University of Tübingen)

  • Apostolia GALANI (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

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