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Field of study

Outdoor education- educational sciences



Open to

Master's, PhD


Outdoor education – active pedagogies - social and educational inequalities – educational sciences- didactics

The Oïkos training programme draws its inspiration from a multitude of pedagogical trends and educational science research around the world. Its foundations are rooted in various educational initiatives, particularly those that have emerged in Scandinavia, Canada, Australia and France, where outdoor education has gained recognition over the years. The evolution of outdoor educational practices and the promising results of interdisciplinary research have helped to shape this course, giving it an international dimension.

Oïkos training is constantly enriched by the most recent discoveries in the field of educational sciences. It is distinguished by its approach, which focuses on the needs and aspirations of the participants, who come from a variety of educational backgrounds.


This three-week course aims to harmonise two essential types of expertise: that of scientific research and that of the field. To achieve this, it offers a varied set of resources, including video clips, evaluation tools, online discussion forums and much more.

The course is structured to provide a total of 36 hours of work, comprising synchronous and asynchronous sessions. The synchronous sessions will enable real-time exchanges, while the asynchronous sessions will allow learners to progress at their own pace.

In conclusion, the Oïkos training course represents a unique opportunity to merge theory and practice in the field of outdoor education, based on a solid foundation of international research. It invites schools to embark on a stimulating educational adventure, conducive to reflection and experimentation, with the aim of revitalising educational practices by anchoring them in the outside world

Main topics addressed

Outdoor education

Learning outcomes

Here are the specific objectives we aim to achieve:

– To establish a historical and geographical overview of outdoor education, highlighting the different manifestations and developments of this educational approach over time and in various geographical contexts.

– Correlate the participants’ preconceptions with the findings of scientific research. We will seek to identify the benefits, levers and constraints associated with outdoor education, by encouraging critical reflection based on evidence.

– Develop critical thinking among participants on the basis of constraints and levers.

– Present Bernard Rey’s socio-cognitive misunderstandings, the teacher effect, the school effect and the class effect.

– Present the analysis grid developed by Roland Goigoux (2021), based on the five focal points. This analysis grid will enable us to deepen our understanding of teaching practices linked to the outdoor school, focusing on the most relevant aspects.

– Develop a critical mind by providing you with an analytical grid that will enable you to make a rigorous and informed assessment of practices and ideas linked to outdoor education.

– Plan and design a lesson involving learning in French and/or mathematics using outdoor learning methods.

Language : French

Total workload : 36 hours

Requirements :

No requirements

  • ROLAND Elsa (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

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