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MOSAIC Making Our School An Inclusive Context for all families? An action research on co-approachIng multiliteraCies


June 2023 – December 2024


Family-School Partnership (FSP) in an inclusive perspective, Facilitation of the FSP, democracy and social justice

Education level involved

Universities, Preschools, Primary Schools

Discover the project in 180 seconds

The cyclical and iterative action research process comprises four stages: planning, acting, developing, and reflecting

June 2023 – September 2023:

WP1: Preparation of the Project. Identify and limit the topic.

WP2: Working with teachers and students about their conceptions on FSP and reviewing the related literature.

WP3: Develop the research plan with teachers and training in data collection (diaries and critical events)

September 2023 – June 2024

WP4: Implementing the action research following the cyclic process of four stages: planning, acting, developing, and reflecting on collected data . Many different learning devices will be used depending on different teachers’ practices and educational contexts (film creations, digital story tellings, maps, museums’ guides….) which will will lead to the creation of a package of multilingual and multicultural resources

June 2024 – December 2024

WP5 : Local and international seminars  involving researchers, in service and preservice teachers and students.

WP6 : Dissemination of the results. We target at two publications and at the production of a video of digital story telling concerning the teacher experience of the action research project

Project context

Athens and Its suburbs (The diversity of children and their families is a crucial point that must be taken into account by  the educational system which remains  monolingual .

Families of different SES have high expectations over schools but their demands and their relation to school differ accordingly to their status.  Family-School partnership is not developed   in an inclusive perspective)

Marseille (Migration flows are also intensifying due to globalization and school welcomes more and more students with different languages and cultures.

School classes are very heterogeneous. This diversity concerns language, ethnicity, socio-cultural and economical status, cultural practices, experiences, motivations and interests, different rhythms, knowledge, representations, strategies…

Family–School Partnership (FSP) in an inclusive perspective seems crucial for educational outcomes especially for disadvantaged and at risk children (European Commission. 2008)

Schools don’t adopt a systemic School – Family Partnership (SFP) model on a regular basis:

Few teachers are adequately trained to go beyond the narrow context of their traditional role and work with parents from an innovative inclusive perspective.  Among the barriers in implementing FSP are teachers’ perceptions about parents.

Project objectives

The objective of this action research is to help teachers:

  • Understanding the complexity of FSP by also comparing their school contexts
  • Identifying the barriers and reflecting on their beliefs about FSP
  • Implementing multiliteracy activities as a tool for improving FSP
  • Reflecting on their practices and creating communities of practice

The experiences of these professionals and the produced scientific knowledge will be used in pre-service teacher training in our departments.

Methodological perspective

Based on an action-research (Kurt Lewin 1943, 1946, Catroux, 2002) using qualitative data

Collaborative research in a community of interests (Fischer, 2001). Also draws on elements of the clinical approach:

  • Questionnaires
  • Interviews
  • Class and meetings with parents, videos and transcripts.

Comparative approach (Lave, 2009; Davin & Cuq, 2015)

Thematic Analysis

Last events

Communications with schools

Meetings between the project leaders

Littérature Review

Organisation of the first meeting/training of the Greek teachers and French Teachers

Project leaders

  • SFYROERA Maria (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • TRETOLA Jessyca (Aix-Marseille UniversitĂ©)

Other partners

  • 1rst Preschool of Kryoneri
  • 1rst Preschool of Moschato
  • 85th Preschool of Athens
  • 5th Preschool of Salamina
  • 5th Primary School of Salamina
  • École Maternelle des bergers
  • Ecole Maternelle et Ă©lĂ©mentaire Mireille Lauze
  • École Maternelle Arenc Bachas,
  • École Ă©lĂ©mentaire Flotte


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