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CONAPEDE The concept of nature to the test of outdoor education

CONAPEDE The concept of nature to the test of outdoor education

CONAPEDE, a transnational research on outdoor education : To problematize, through an analysis of controversies in various disciplinary fields, how actors on the ground apprehend the concept of ‘nature’ in outdoor pedagogies, in order to identify its political, social, and philosophical implications ; To co-construct evolving interdisciplinary pedagogical and didactic approaches on the concept of ‘nature’ for multiple school levels; And to train teachers by supporting them in the experimentation and evaluation of new pedagogical and didactic approaches.

MOSAIC Making Our School An Inclusive Context for all families? An action research on co-approachIng multiliteraCies

MOSAIC Making Our School An Inclusive Context for all families? An action research on co-approachIng multiliteraCies

MOSAIC Making Our School An Inclusive Context for all families? An action research on co-approachIng multiliteraCies Dates June 2023 – December 2024 Thematics Family-School Partnership (FSP) in an inclusive perspective, Facilitation of the FSP, democracy and social justice Education level involved Universities, Preschools, Primary Schools Keywords Discover the project in Read more…

HAPPI How are active pedagogies designed, supported and implemented?

HAPPI How are active pedagogies designed, supported and implemented?

HAPPI, a collaborative action research project involving various school and research players in Europe, to : Identify the various representations behind the concept of active pedagogies, depending on the actors and contexts involved; Analyze the place of active pedagogies in initial and continuing training, as well as the needs of players in the field; And support the reflexivity of players in relation to their practices and experimentation with new ways of doing things (and share resources for doing so).

DoDiMu Practices of « doing » (socio-cultural) difference and dealing with multilingualism in the classroom: perception, reflection and change through video-based learning in communities of practice

DoDiMu Practices of « doing » (socio-cultural) difference and dealing with multilingualism in the classroom: perception, reflection and change through video-based learning in communities of practice

DoDiMu Practices of « doing » (socio-cultural) difference and dealing with multilingualism in the classroom: perception, reflection and change through video-based learning in communities of practice Dates April 2024 – July 2025 Thematics Cultural diversity awareness multilingualism/plurlingualism inclusion Education level involved Teacher education (pre- and in-service teachers) for high schools Read more…

TEAcher COmpetence for Sustainability and Environmental Education

TEAcher COmpetence for Sustainability and Environmental Education

TEACOSEE TEAcher COmpetence for Sustainability and Environmental Education Dates June 2023 – December 2024 Thematics Sustainability and Environmental Education Education level involved Primary school, Tertiary education Keywords Sustainability, Environmental Education, teachers training Discover the project in 180 seconds Teacosee aims to investigate the possible linkage between teachers’ environmental values and Read more…

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